Friday 25 January 2013

The journey to Austratir Rilark part 2

Ava'yorn sia fellow readers!

 I am very sorry..
I haven't written for a few days,but we were with my grandfather exploring Austratir !
There is so much to tell!But First,I got to finish the last story,our fighting through the forest.

Wer sulta?

My eyes fluttered open. Light filtered through the dense forest. I stared toward the sky, dreamily taking in the weak moonlight, the cold breeze rolled across my skin in waves causing goose bumps to cross my forearms. I rose slowly to my feet, brushing off dead, dried leaves from my body. As the world of darkness swirled around me, the cool wind continued to blow, and then there was silence, not just a normal silence, no- an evil, ominous silence. Cold fear shot through me as I tried to recall where I was and why I was there. 
 No answer came....As I tried to mutter out a yelp,someone unexpectedly shut my mouth with their hand.It was father.He looked at me,I knew something was wrong.He pointed up,to the sky,at the black three-eyed crow that was flying above,looking for something..or someone..I looked ahead, noticing a shimmering  green light beckoning towards us, spilling into the darkness.

 There was a young girl, whom I knew somehow. She was shrouded in a green light, her teeth beamed a mischievous smile, cutting through the darkness, becoming brighter, and more intense. Her eyes beamed an intense green colour.A barn owl,as I assumed,was by her side,washing away the darkness by flapping with the wings.

            I  knew what I was going to do. I was going to find out who she was.
I stood up briskly, breathing the cold air in heavily.There was a laugh,coming from herIt echoed through the whole forest,making the wind blow stronger.The owl was tranquil,sitting on her shoulders.
"What are you doing here,fellow strangers?",whispered the girl,loud enough for us to undestand.
My father stood up,eyeing her."We are lost.We've wanted to go to Austratir Rilark,and found us trapped in Whedab."
A loud laughter pierced through us. 
"Passengers,I assume you do know in what danger you've brought yourself?"
Again a heavy laughter.
My father tried to reply "well.."
"SILENCE!"She cut him off.
"I presume also,that you don't know who I am?..
"My name is Isador..For what I am shall be unknown.Dear ones,I bring you no harm,I am here to help you.Follow the path of the fireflies...wiilirk wer ixen"
And then she vanished..Leaving behind only a glimmer of green,and a few feathers.
Suddenly,something through the forest shone...Little fireballs reached us,flying all over the place..

My father nodded."Lets go."
"But,we can't trust an unknown person just like that" uttered Halu.
"We know her,her name is Isador"replied father.
And so we took off into the forest, the darkness welcoming us back, glad of our return.We raced quickly through the forest, not wanting to overstay  the welcome, glancing nervously from side to side,following the little gleaming balls.

The shadows whispered ..."DIE,DIE..loreat..loreat..."
But I shook them off and ignored them.
We stopped.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a large mass above a little river  that was not part  of the natural scenery. I smiled wryly at the bridge in front of us.

 Not looking behind,we started to rush over the bridge.The path continued,and the fireflies still guided us.

We moved quickly,trying to be as quiet as possible.Not dragging any attention.
I was just getting more and more tired. My legs became sluggish and after a while,I felt like I would collapse.The sun was starting to rise,rays fighting its way through the thick leaves.
"I...need a rest...."
I stood there,breathing heavily.
Halueth started to murmure.
"We...have finally made it.."
I looked in front of me,a smile emerging from my lips.
Austratir Rilark was in front of us,the flying castle.

                     Ekess qe widegoada
                     ( тσ вє ¢σитιиυє∂ )

Friday 18 January 2013

The journey to Austratir Rilark

Ava'yorn sia fellow readers!

Wer gogetoi..

We have finally arrived in Austratir Rilark.We've met many creatures along the way,some of them were good,the others wicked.But we've pull through them all.

The journey to Austratir Rilark:

 Golden sunlight streamed through a gap in the thick curtains onto our faces.He opened the curtains fully to greet the world,before turning to smile at me.
"So,Kirlia,where are we going today?"
I stood up nervously wrapping a robe around me.

"Well,father,before planning anything conretely we should first eat breakfast."
"A great idea my precious"he replied,"how about you make it?"
I rolled my eyes and shot him a wide grin

After we've eaten,we've started packing our bags,it was time to visit grandfather Aesar .
He lives on a flying castle called Austratir Rilark,it is  located in the Svant valley.
It is truly a dangerous trip,but that can't dissuade us on visiting our beloved grandfather.
While we packed,someone knocked on the door.
Rapidly I stood up and opened it.
It was Halueth,Anneliese and Draco.
"Come on Kirlia,let's go fishing,I've heard the sirens are out sunbathing,if you know what I mean" he winked towards
Draco and they highfived.
Anne just rolled her eyes.
"Can't guys,I'm going today to visit my grandfather,and Draco should come with us too,father gave his approval,he thinks you're now old enough " 
Draco started to jump playfully,he has waited for this moment so long.
Halu and Anne looked disappointed.
"You can come too guys if you want?"
Their eyes sparkled at my words,I knew how much they've wanted to go on this trip since I've told them so many epic stories about Austratir Rilark.

"Yes,awesome,KIRLIA YOU ARE THE BEST!But...Will your father allow us?"said Anne.
"Well...Of course,I mean,I am the one to be asked!Not him!"
Anne and Halu coughed.
"He sure is behind me..."I turned and there he was,eyeing me angry.
"Of course you can come guys,go pack your stuff,we will meet in an hour at the
Donoap square"
Our journey was about to start,our first destiny was the Whedab forest,which was known for its large variety of dark creatures.
The first footstep was set,there was no back.

We've travelled for a few hours and the sun was already setting behind the mountain.
"We need to set up a tent" said my father.
"I am hungry..."murmured Halu.
"Oh come on Halu you're always hungry,it's been a while since you've eaten!"Yelled Anne with a high-pitched voice.Draco's stomach started to growl.
We all laughed.
Then suddenly,my father stopped.
"Look..."He was pointing at the Magarth path in front of us.

It was the entrance to the Whedab forest.
Slowly we were going through the ruins,being quiet as possible.
There it was,the Whedab forest.
A cold wind was blowing out of nowhere,making us shudder.
"Let's not go any further,we will set our tent here" muttered my father.
We all agreed.

Everyone was already sleeping except me.We were divided into shifts.It was my turn to
watch if any monster would try to attack us.
It was a quiet night.Only crickets could be heard,singing their usual song.
Then....something/someone broke a branch.I looked up only to see a three-eyed crow.

It was staring at me...staring at my soul.It started to whisper.."Vdri traveller..vdri malrak!" Coldness began to surround me.
I uttered a cry before I fell down,my visions getting blurry...
I could only remember a scream..


                                                 Ekess qe widegoada
                                                   (тσ вє ¢σитιиυє∂) 

Thursday 17 January 2013

Ava'yorn sia fellow readers!

Today I won't post any stories because Beldroth,Halueth,Anneliese(My best female friend) and me are going to a trip tonight to the Austratir Rilark.My grandfather lives there so we try to visit him at least once a year.It is a really dangerous trip and we need a day 'nd a half to get there.
I think it is going to be quite fun since Halueth is afraid of heights.
Draco is joining us too,for the first time!He couldn't go before,my father forbid it because he was too young.Well...Then...

Veyet'toon and see you soon !

Wednesday 16 January 2013

The story of Kalameet Part 3

Ava'yorn sia fellow readers!

Wer sulta ui leirith....

Kalameet was near to destroy our beloved Achuak.

Shrieks and yelps for help could be heard in the alleyways.
It was a disaster.
Draco roared abruptly,shaking me out of my frozen state.
I looked at my bow and my few arrows left.It was time to fight back,to repay what was done.
I peered a glimpse from Draco.Even I could not read his mind,I knew what he was thinking,I've felt it.Draco wanted to beat Kalameet on his own.He has always wanted to prove his strength now there was an opportunity.He hastened to catch up with Kalameet,before he has done more damage to Achuak.
In a fraction of time he collapsed with the darastrix di whedabra
 ,making Achuak shake in despair.He hit him like a bolt.I looked at Halueth who was already watching the fight.

The following  was unutterably.........

All the creatures of Achuak stood tranquil watching the battle.They were standing and waiting for the out come far enough not to interfere.
It became night.
Stones beneath them sparkled in the moonlight from the blood shed in the battle.
Each dragon was waiting for their opponent to smite first.
Kalameet struck first by swinging his tail to meet Draco's claws.
He gripped his tail and swung  it back to him.He stumbled a few feet away but he 
recollected himself and flew toward Draco in a rage with his jaw open ready to chomp him down. 
Draco dodged at the exact time,missing the jaws of his adversary.Kalameet was stunned when his jaws
clamped shut on nothing.He threw Draco a dark glance,that made a shiver roll down my spine.
The rain had already stopped.
He jumped on Draco,slashing the side of his face.Scarlet blood trickled down his face.
He then promptly flew above Kalameet and rammed him so he plummeted to the ground.
He hit hard,the pain ringed through his whole body.Stumbling to his feet he looked up at Draco.Overhead,
Draco gave a short bawl of victory."Nomeno vargach ui ti svern sjerit" muttered Kalameet.
He hissed at Draco,collecting his last energy to escape.
Flapping his gigantic wings he began to hover.
Kalameet took one last look before he turned and left into the night,snarling.

That was it.This was the end;the end of the war;the end of pain and suffering.
We were witnesses to this occasion.We were the witnesses of the final duel between good and evil.However,only a few set eyes on it,and those souls were changed forever.
A boy became a man.became a soldier.As  I felt my body shut down,a warm hand grabbed onto mine and
held it tightly.
It was Halueth.
He drew me closer,holding my cheeks in between his hands.
"It was over" he whispered.

As the night departed ,creatures all over Achuak celebrated.
The dryads vanished,leaving behind only their
heroic doings.
Draco became eligible amongs the other dragons.
But was this really the end of the evil?
No..As long as there is good there will be evil.
There is a longlasting struggle between these two.
And we're the good.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

The story of Kalameet Part 2

Ava'yorn sia fellow readers!

Coi tepohaic tlushada.............

The gale had lessened to a light shower and a hint of sunlight was beginning to creep out of its cloudy shelter.Rainwater swirled in the streets.I could obscurely see Draco's skin shine in the low sunlight.He came.Not because he had to,but because he chose to fight side on side with his best friend,his family. 

"" said my father jumping down from the tree. He looked solicitous,but he had always been for the walfare of his family.The splash of iron-soled Elven boots faded into the turbid distance.
Dragons hovered all over the sky. 

All of a sudden dryads started  approaching us,greeting our folks.We didn't know what was happening,since they were known for their timidness,but when it comes to fighting the darkness,to protecting our home,every single creature will join the combat.

(The dryads,also known as the tree nymphs.Peaceful residents of the Skjall forest.Very shy creatures,except around children and dragons)

Everyone gathered,standing shoulder to shoulder,"It is time" my father said ,"time to defend,to guard,to PROTECT our HOMELAND!".Simultaneously we howled "FOR ACHUAK!FOR ACHUAK!"
The dragons growled as severe as they could.Draco being the most flagrant.
There was no back,we ran as rapid as we could,leaving nothing but footsteps behind us,and a home to shelter.

Troth dout okarthel.

Then I saw it,him...He shot across the sky like a bullet,with a strong explosion of magical energy.I raised my bow trying to aim whatever was coming closer.A strong burst of magical energy was sent into the darkness looming around me,the light fizzled away slowly as I heard a yowl,it stopped..Then,a laughing was heard,coming from behind me.I swung around,there he was,hovering in between the trees that lined the forest.Before I could say anything,Kalameet had raised his claws & aimed something at me,it was too far away to make out exactly what it was,It aimed..& fired.I screamed & someone pushed me out of the way,the fireball hit my cape,it was a lucky escape,but I knew I wasn't going to be as lucky as next time.
"KIRLIA!" A strong voice called from back,I looked up..There stood a boy with strong,piercing,intense turquoise eyes & turquoise ceremonial robe.

Rain pouring down his face,he looked up at Kalameet,then back at me, "We can do this,we just need to work together as a team."He drew his sword & held it by his side,he searched for him,but he had disappeared.
I stood up & wiped the dirt from my costume,"Thank you,Halueth"I murmured..
"LOOK OUT!"he dived & shoved me out of the way,another fireball shot past out of nowhere .I stood up quickly & in a quick thought,pulled 2 arrows,preparing to battle.

Death approached the battlefield,showing no mercy.
It was a slaughter...a carnage....a....bloodbath..
Halueth and me watched in despair.

                                      Ekess qe widegoada
                                      (  тσ вє ¢σитιиυє∂ )

Monday 14 January 2013

The story of Kalameet


 I'll tell you a story of how our nation the Caesin  elves fought against the dark darastrix  Kalameet and his minions!

Kalameet is one of the three famous guardians of the nature borders.
Living in the Tonash mountains high above from Achuak,he restricts the evil from wandering around our world.
He was no harm,until' that one atrocious night.

There are those who say that a story shouldn't start with the weather.Still,the sky was as black as the back of a troll's kitchen.The rain pounded on the roof as the candlelight danced across the walls.I was playing on my vorel flute that I made from the twigs in the Skjall forest.A beautiful melody harmonised with the rain through the whole valley.My father Beldroth carved a piece of wood.He was a great warrior,and also a great father.The roads were almost empty.Here and there gleamed lantern-light behind drawn curtains.

An ominous echo disrupted the harmony.Darkness and the storm conspired to shroud the roads.I looked through the window,seeing nothing but shadows moving through the pouring rain; ominous figures emerging from the alley.Even in the dark,the edge of the dragon's teeth glinted.My father stood up and blowed on the Sela horn.All of a sudden the roads remained no longer empty,elf families gathered in the heart of the village.
My father spoke the words "IT IS TIME TO FIGHT MY FRIENDS,ALL OF THE WARRIORS,GATHER TOGETHER,LETS DEFEND OUR FAMILIES",for a moment he glimpsed at me,worried.
He jumped on the highest tree and took a closer look at the enemies.

He could clearly see a black dragon,lifting its wings,creating shadows all over the place.Kalameet growled,leaving the whole place shaking.His minions were ready.Waitin' for a command.

Was there any hope?The elves are fighters,never giving up.
Together they gathered,forming an army,army of the Achuak.
It has begun,there was no escape.Ekess qe widegoada ; t๏ ๒є ς๏ภtเภยє๔ )

Sunday 13 January 2013

Introducing myself


My name is Kirlia,and I am a forest elf.

I live in a hidden valley called "Achuak Arux" far away from the human civilisation.

I roam through the woods with my friends,playing all day,enjoying the ponds or riding our rabbit friends.

"Waph dout tobor" how my friend Draco the dragon would say.
My family is very known for their bonds with the dragons.
Every member of our family has at least one dragon companion.
I have known Draco  for 300 years now!(Which  is around 17 years in the human age).  

One rainy day while I walked along the river south from Achuak,I heard a cry.Kids tend to be curious,so I tried to investigate what it could have been.
As I approached nearer and nearer the crying became louder.
For a moment I froze looking at the bushes in front of me rustling.
I took all my courage and moved the branches away to see what was behind them.
There he was....My thurirl Draco...Lying on the ground,exhausted and shaking.

Carefully I reached out for him but he growled quietly,with barely any strength left.
I didn't mind.He was only a baby,what could he possibly do?
I reached out again,and SNAP,he BIT me!
I started jumping up and down,while the pain shot through my body.
For a moment I could've seen the little dragon

laugh.It amused him.I simulated the pain again,and he bursted into laughter.I caught his
glance.All of a sudden he stretched his little paw towards me with a huge smile on his face.
I knew then that we would grow a great friendship.

Now he has grown out to be one of the strongest dragons in Achuak.